The Odyssey Canada Application

The Odyssey Program Ontario Canada Application

You and your son are about to embark on a life changing experience.
This program is a challenging one however it will build the trust and connection between father and son. It will introduce your son to the way of the warrior. 
By completing this application you will enter the selection process.
Authorized ages 12-17 (males) at the time of the event. 
Please Note: Before being accepted into this program you must speak to a coach team member. This process is in place to get to know you better and to make sure you and your son receive the best experience possible.   
*We respect your time and we ask that you respect ours.
** Complete this application only if you are serious. **
If you do not intend to show up to your first conversation please close this form immediately. 
Answer The Questions Below Honestly.  
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Where do you struggle as a father?
Check off the ones that apply to you
Are You Married or in a Committed Relationship?
Rate your physical condition
Do you have disposable income to invest in this program now?
If someone else is involved in the final decision making process, Please ensure they are there for the first meeting
Which Canadian Location are you interested in attending?